Lou Secains
Lou Secains
Lou Secains is a pretty french redhead and, cabaret dancer.
Comfortable with nudity, she amazes us naked under the colored reflections of water in Black Bath project.
Comfortable with nudity, she amazes us naked under the colored reflections of water in Black Bath project.
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Lou Secains's editorials
Issue n°1 - Founder cover ▼ | Editorial "Black Bath" Lou Secains - Jean-Michel Nguyen ▼ | Issue n°1 - Founder backcover ▼ |

Lou Secains's web sites
"Quand je m’apprête à passer une journée très productive... #photographer @rd_px #bnwphotography #bnw_captures #blackandwhitephotography #lazyday #sofa #sofaclimbing #romantic #jetrainesurlecanape #alorsquejaipleindechosesafaire @bnw_artstyle @blackandwhite_photographers @blackandwhitehumansphotos @bnw"
"Quand je fais le point sur tout ce que je n’ai pas fait ce week-end... #photographer @rd_px #bnwphotography #bnw_captures #blackandwhitephotography #sofa #lazysunday #sweetweekend #aucalme @bnw_artstyle @blackandwhite_photographers @blackandwhitehumansphotos @bnw"
"En attendant tranquillement le vendredi soir... #light #photography #photooftheday #modeling #art #smoothcurves #frenchmodel"
"Self love Portrait réalisé par @davide.rizzo78portrait #argentique #argentiquephoto #filmphotography #bnwphotography #artphotography #stunning #portraitphotography #portrait"
"Laissez-moi ici #photographer @jpshadesandlight #light #winterlight #sun #shadows #frenchmodel #lying #body #fit #fitgirl #art #photography"
"Retour sur ce super shoot #photographer @my.loner.eye #modeling #model #with @zadigjones #duo #duophotography #bnwphotography #bnw_focus_on #blackandwhitephotography"
"Encore une série en noir et blanc en attendant les prochaines en couleur ! #photographer @my.loner.eye #modeling #model #with @zadigjones #duo #duophotography #bnwphotography #bnw_focus_on #blackandwhitephotography"
"Jeu de mains... #photographer @my.loner.eye #modeling #model #with @zadigjones #duo #duophotography #bnwphotography #bnw_focus_on #blackandwhitephotography"
"Toujours aussi productive après une soirée à danser #photographer @rd_px #bnwphotography #bnw_captures #blackandwhitephotography #lazyday #sofa #jaimalauxpieds @normalmagazine @bnw_artstyle @blackandwhite_photographers @blackandwhitehumansphotos @bnw"
"Quand tu cherches le moindre rayon de soleil pour te chauffer la peau #photographer @jpshadesandlight #light #naturallight #bnwphotography #contrast #contrastphotography"