Crystal Mendoza
Crystal Mendoza
~ Certified Body Sculptor✨
~ Non-Invasive Fat Reduction
~ Skin Tightening & Texture Attack
-Proverbs 31:25 💗
~ Non-Invasive Fat Reduction
~ Skin Tightening & Texture Attack
-Proverbs 31:25 💗
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Crystal Mendoza's editorials
Issue n°12 - Sensualidad cover ▼ | Editorial "No One But You" Crystal Mendoza - AJ Borromeo ▼ | Issue n°12 - Sensualidad backcover ▼ |

Issue n°5 - Caliente cover ▼ | Editorial "You Are The Reason" Crystal Mendoza - AJ Borromeo ▼ | Issue n°5 - Caliente backcover ▼ |

Crystal Mendoza's web sites
"No Pain • No Downtime • Instant Results Non-Invasive Face Lift By KSculpt✨ * Boosts Collagen * Attacks Wrinkles & Sagging Skin * Shrinks Pores * Reduces Body Fat #radiofrequency #microcurrent #facelift #noninvasive #nonsurgical #blackfridaysales #louisville #kentucky #skintightening #wrinkles"
"Grow Your Booty and Snatch That Waist With Me At K Sculpt💗✨"
"The Picture Says It All✨"
"It’s the new trend 💁🏻♀️ #noninvasivefatreduction #weightloss #esthetician #bodycontouring #lashextentions #brows #louisvilleky #fatreduction #reels"
"Wherever You’re Going, I’m Going Too🧡🍂"
"Back With Another Polaroid❤️"
"We ain’t even in the same ballgame <3"
"It.. #radiofrequency #noninvasive #getsnatchedwithme #smallbusiness #sculpting #louisville #transformation #womensupportingwomen #ksculpt"