// OSÉE - Timeless Nude & Boudoir Magazine

osee timeless nude and boudoir magazine

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AJ Borromeo  
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> Albert Shlemon

Imperfection is beauty... it's better to be ridiculous than boring (Marilyn Monroe)
■ Published Miami photographer
● #shadowfoxmodels

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AJ Borromeo's editorials

Issue n°12 - Sensualidad
"No One But You"
Crystal Mendoza - AJ Borromeo
Issue n°12 - Sensualidad
issue Sensualidadissue Sensualidad

Issue n°8 - Vanguardia
"Dreaming of You"
Casey Aguayo - AJ Borromeo
Issue n°8 - Vanguardia
issue Vanguardiaissue Vanguardia

Issue n°5 - Caliente
"You Are The Reason"
Crystal Mendoza - AJ Borromeo
Issue n°5 - Caliente
issue Calienteissue Caliente

AJ Borromeo's web sites


photographer AJ Borromeo
AJ Borromeo Photographer's activities on social media:

"My Photo(s) of the Day / memory Monday: one of my last shoots with the beautiful Lydz. #beautiful #blonde #photooftheday #model #shadowfoxmodels #tightjeans #ig_blonde #ig_beautiful #ig_portrait #blueeyes #shotwithcanon #shotwithcanon6d #shotoncanon #shotoncanon6d"
"New year, new beginnings, new goals. First work to be published this year. Honored to have my work with my favorite model, Crystal M., published by Untold Magazine (Athens, Greece). Also honored to have been featured as the Artist of the Month in this issue. Thank you Crystal, and thank you Untold Magazine. Model: Crystal Mendoza Photographer: AJ Borromeo MUA: Nikki Brown (courtesy the Aesthetic Artist Agency) Lingerie: Victoria's Secret Studio: Focus On Studio (Carmel, Indiana) #published #publishedmodel #featuredphotographer #featuredphoto #lingerie #victoriassecret #latina #latinas #latinx #latinmodel #stuioshoot #studio #studiobabe #untoldmagazine #beautiful #shadowfoxmodels #friday #fridayvibes #weekend #weekendvibes #shotwithcanon #shotwithcanonr6 #shotoncanon #shotoncanonr6"
"Starting the weekend with Saylor D. #beautiful #sexy #lingerie #studio #studiobabe #studioshoot #shotwithcanon #shotwithcanonr6 #shotoncanon #shotoncanonr6 #ig_beauty #ig_beautyshots #portrait #shadowfoxmodels #friday #fridayvibes #weekend #weekendvibes"
"My Photo for Today: Model: Chloe K. #photoftheday #beautiful #blonde #blondehair #shadowfoxmodel #shotwithcanon #shotwithcanon6d #shotoncanon #shotoncanon6d #miamidesigndistrict #memory #streetphotography"
"My Photo of the Day: Still the One with the beautiful Crystal M. #beautiful #model #browneyes #latina #latinagirl #latinartist #latinmodel #latinbeauty #studio #studiobabe #ig_beauty #shotwithcanon #shotwithcanonr6 #shotoncanon #shotoncanonr6"
"***Monochrome Monday*** with the beautiful and stunning Chloe K. #monochrome #monochromatic #monochromephotography #monochromemonday #bnw #bnwphoto #bnwphotography #bnw_captures #ig_bnw #ig_bnw_legit #ig_bnwlovers #shotiwthcanon #shotwithcanon6d #shotoncanon #shotoncanon6d #shadowfoxmodels #blondebabe #blonde #bikini #bikinigirl"
"My Photo of the Day with the always beautiful Parmida G. While this is one of our last shoots together, we have agreed that we will shoot again later on this year. Stay tuned - should be exciting. #bnw #bnwphotography #bnwphoto #monochrome #photooftheday #sundayvibes #ig_bnw #ig_bnwphoto #ig_bnwphotography #shadowfoxmodels #shotwithcanon #shotwithcanon6d #shotoncanon #shotoncanon6d"
"***Memory Monday*** The sun was just starting to set and that means perfect lighting. Always a great shoot when you're with the beautiful Alexis. #memory #memories#memorymonday #throwback #beautiful #model #shadowfoxmodels #sunset #shotwithcanon #shotwithcanon6d"

OSÉE - Timeless Nude & Boudoir Magazine
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